Make a donation



 Raising public awareness of pediatrics cancers

Fund fondamental or translational research on childhood cancer through donations to concerned organizations

Helping patients and their families financially if necessary during illness

My story

June 2017, Engerrand had just turned 13 years old. At the end of the school year, everything was fine, he multiplied sports and competitions. But an unusual tiredness settled down, followed by vomiting, loss of strength in the left hand, balance disorders.

Then, we asked for a brain scanner in July 2017, and there, we were told a terrible insidious disease: The Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma… DIPG! A terrible Tsunami in our family; it is a strong cancer; incurable and inoperable.

Firstly, we decided to go on vacation, because on our return, we chained radiotherapy and chemotherapy … fortunately everyone supported him, family, friends, top athletes …

He fought like a warrior « a Warrior » accepting all treatments, enduring all that it is humanly possible to endure, but always with a smile to the end … He left us on July 9, 2018.

But with adult medications, the fight is uneven; there are still no drugs for pediatric cancers; This is why we are launching this association;

Thank you very much in advance for your support.

I watch and always watch over everyone I love …

children and teenagers<br />

are diagnosed with cancer each year in France, maybe more


officially succumb to their disease every year in the world


of the drugs

officially succumb to their disease every year in the world medicines given to children are officially not allowed in children (not specifically developed and tested on children)


A great mentalist with a big heart


A fantastic mentalist with a big heart. Warrior Enguerrand welcome Viktor Vincent to the association. Beyond his extraordinary gifts of mentalist that we all know, we want to thank infinitely this man to have contacted us to offer his support and help to this great cause. An angel with us.

For the little story, Enguerrand had his whole book collection and even his autograph in a frame on the wall of his room!

Viktor Vincent will raise public awareness of pediatric cancers with us. « 


Our sponsors

To our sponsor

Beyond the gift, you offer us a significant human value, that of protecting the lives of children… Thank you so much!




You can act with our association. There are many ways to work with us and support us in the fight against pediatric cancer.

Your company’s commitment to Warrior Enguerrand will bring a lot of benefits:

 – you strengthen your corporate commitment to a good cause,

– you retain your customers and share with them strong values,

 – you federate, involve and motivate your collaborators around a beautiful project that makes sense,

 – you benefit from the positive image and the notoriety of the association.

We commit ourselves to our sponsor to:

 – guarantee the allocation of donations,

– to send you our activity reports,

 – inform you of all our advancements,

 – manage donations with rigor and transparency.

You also benefit from a series of tax benefits.

To learn more click  here.



« We want to believe in human values »

If you too, want to share this fight with us, you can download the presentation folder of the association and distribute it around you.

The association is for every one!

Our partners

to our members

You can download your membership form




There are so many causes to support, as important as each other, and this is the one we chose with our hearts.

To exist, we need you. Your encouragement gives us the credibility and legitimacy to take strong action to make great strides, and we are convinced, win this fight in the interest of thousands of children and families.

As a member, you show your encouragement and participate in the actions and decisions of the association Warrior Enguerrand.

 Thanks to you, we finally offer hope to our children, that of giving them the right to live their lives.

The Warrior Enguerrand association waiting for you to grow.



Actuality, we are talking about it… (in French)

Essai d’un nouveau vaccin pour les enfants atteints du DIPG

Le gliome pontin intrinsèque diffus, connu sous le nom de DIPG, est un type rare et...

Un virus à l’origine du glioblastome, grave cancer du cerveau

DÉCRYPTAGE - Une équipe de chercheurs de Besançon a mis en évidence un lien entre une...

« On est face à une urgence sanitaire » : le film qui dénonce l’omerta autour d’une épidémie de cancers chez les jeunes enfants

Vice-président de Médecins du Monde, le Toulousain Jean-François Corty a co-réalisé avec...

« Sa tumeur au cerveau a disparu » : Lucas, 13 ans, a guéri d’un cancer jugé incurable

Diagnostiqué à l’âge de 6 ans, le jeune Belge a suivi un essai prometteur dans un centre...

Salon du Chocolat 2024 : Un plaisir gourmand au service d’une noble cause

Depuis sa création en 2009 par le Club Rotary Lille Est, cet événement est devenu un...

Cancer du cerveau : la guérison d’un enfant ouvre de grands espoirs pour la recherche

Un enfant belge a défié tous les pronostics : diagnostiqué à 6 ans de cette maladie...

15 février 2024 – Journée internationale du cancer de l’enfant

Le cancer chez l’enfant est la première cause de mortalité dans les pays développés, par...

Cancer : Lucas, le miraculé de Noël

Depuis ses 6 ans, l’enfant bataillait contre un cancer du cerveau incurable. Aujourd’hui,...

Rafael & Enguerrand – november, 2017 in Bercy (France)

Nicolas (French humorist) to Enguerrand 

The founding members






Founding Member

Bérengère LEPOUTRE





Honorary Member - Webmaster

Write us



79 rue de la Louvière – 59000 Lille – France



00 (+33)


Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00

Donations by post


You can send us your donations to the following address:

Warrior Enguerrand Association

79 rue de la Louvière – 59000 Lille


Checks payable to « Warrior Enguerrand Association »